Hi. It's me your mom.
I really, really hope you're reading this someday because that means everything happening tomorrow worked perfectly.
It's Wednesday, February 3rd 2021. It's the 14th anniversary of the night I met your father. Tomorrow morning at 9:30am, you will be put into what I pray will be the spot you stay for the next 9ish months. Unfortunately, due to a global pandemic, your dad won't get to be there for it. I'll explain to you what a pandemic is at some point, but the important thing for you to know right now is that we both really, really wanted him to be there for it. But don't worry- he'll be right outside in the parking lot waiting for us!
He will be waiting for us.
It's never been us before. But tonight is the last night of our lives that we won't be together. And soon, I pray that I won't even remember what life was like without you. Up until this point, it's just been Daddy & I. So I figured I'd catch you up on what's been happening up 'til now.
Mommy & Daddy have been really sad. We really wanted to meet you years ago, but for some reason we had trouble bringing you into this world. We don't know why. But it has been harder to do than most people think. So we went to see a doctor named Dr. Patel to help us. She has believed you'd be here from the start! She helped us with lots of medicine and procedures to try to make it happen, but it didn't work. So she recommended that we should try having you created outside of Mommy's body and then putting you back in to grow.
We were luckily able to create 7 little chances at life. But Daddy & I specifically chose you because we wanted you to have the best chance at growing. And of all the grades given to the 7, your grade is the strongest (4AA).
Most babies are created in their Mom's bellies, but you weren't. And as confusing as that may be, I need you to know how special that makes you.
It means you were so, deeply wanted in this world before you were ever even created.
In fact, you were wanted SO much that Mommy and daddy put their bodies through a lot of really hard things just to get your here. All the while knowing you would be worth it. And you ARE worth it. And we would do it 100 more times if it meant even a chance at having you in our lives.
The process of creating you has been a hard one, but it has made us love you and each other so much more than we ever could have imagined possible.
We've dreamt of you since we were teenagers. We once sat on the bunk beds in Daddy's childhood home and talked for hours about we what we imagined you to be like. Dad hoped you wouldn't get his nose. I hoped you'd get his eyes. We KNOW you'll have both of our curly hair.
And as much as we wish we could have brought you into this world the "normal" way like most other kids are, we know that this is just the start of your story. A story filled with overcoming obstacles and defying odds because you've done it since before you even started growing in my belly.
Just know that in this moment, on the night before we officially meet and come home together that I'm ready for you. I've been ready for you. Dad is ready for you. Your grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins are ready for you.
So please, once you get in there, just grab on tight and hold on for dear life, okay?
I know you might not. But I'm not letting myself think about that. I'm only focusing on you. I am going into this optimistically because I believe that you're waiting for us just as much as we're waiting for you.

As ridiculous as it may sound, I took this picture today to commemorate the last day that I will ever spend without you. The last day of this part of my life. The last day I won't be a mother.
We love you, 4AA. I'll see you at 9:30.
This was One of the most beautiful things I’ve ever read It was perfectly written by a perfect couple who will be perfect parents. I’m crying writing this but with happy tears. Infertility is a horrible thing to go through but in the end if you’re blessed with a child that’s the best thing in the world. I know that you both will be blessed with the most beautiful baby ever and you are so deserving and I wish you the best and so happy for both of you. Love you both so much and sending you blessings and prayer for tomorrow. Happy 4th 4AA